Download The Bearing Design Activity Report

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Click on the image below to download The Bearing Design Activity Report


Your bearings technical data and your CAD models can be turned into the most powerful sales and marketing tool


If you are a bearings supplier with components that would appeal to the TraceParts design community of 2.1 Million CAD users, you should really consider publishing your technical data and your CAD models on the CAD library and get specified-in right at the design stage.

Everytime one of your CAD model is being downloaded, you receive information of who’s downloading what including full contact details, type of industry, size of the company, etc.

What’s more?

TraceParts had concluded many significant publishing partnerships with numerous CAD vendors such as SolidWorks and Autodesk. This means that when you promote your product lines on the platform, you also reach a vaster design network of 9.3 million CAD users!


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