Timken Powers Up For The Hannover Messe 2015

(Hall 25, Stand E11)

Reliability, performance and easy installation; housed units, couplings and automated lubrication systems lead the offering

DÜSSELDORF, Germany: March 13, 2015 — The Timken Company (NSYE: TKR) will highlight a range of new products to maintain operations and reduce downtime in industrial applications. The focus will be on demonstrating a wide array of options for equipment manufacturers and operators to improve the performance, reliability and efficiency of their power transmission equipment.



Timken® solid block spherical roller bearing units withstand harsh working conditions (left image). The Timken housed units family includes solutions for a wide range of industrial applications and operating conditions.

In addition to a unique offering of bearing housed units, elastomeric couplings and automated lubrication systems, Timken will introduce high performance design upgrades to its mid-size range of spherical roller bearings.

“Because of Timken’s focus on power transmission, Hannover Fair is an important venue for us,” said Hasso Haibach, general manager of Timken Germany. “It is a significant opportunity for us to show customers how to solve their friction management and power transmission problems.”

Roller bearing housings for the toughest applications

Timken offers one of the broadest ranges of housed units in the industry capable of protecting spherical, tapered, split cylindrical and ball bearings. Hands-on demonstrations will feature the Timken® spherical roller bearing solid block housed unit which is easy to mount and operates in challenging, highly contaminated environments. Another attraction will be our new Revolvo line of roller bearing housed units that reduce maintenance downtime for applications where there is no access to shaft ends.


Timken Quick-Flex® elastomeric couplings feature a durable polyurethane insert that is replaced quickly and easily without removing the hubs.

Durable and low maintenance elastomeric couplings

Another innovative product on view is the Timken Quick-Flex® elastomeric coupling which can withstand harsh conditions, yet needs minimal maintenance. They’re easy-to-install and require no lubrication. Equipment has more uptime because hubs and metal components remain intact. Their design helps eliminate interference between coupling hubs that can damage equipment. The polyurethane insert is replaced quickly and easily without removing the hubs.

Automated lubrication for critical applications

Specialized lubrication systems can increase efficiency, extend component life, and boost profits. Interlube products are modular, easy-to-install and operate nearly maintenance free. Learn about a range of custom-designed and engineered lubrication solutions that perform even in harsh environments.

About The Timken Company

The Timken Company (NYSE: TKR; www.timken.com) engineers, manufactures and markets bearings, transmissions, motors, gearboxes, chain and related products, and offers a spectrum of powertrain rebuild and repair services. The leading authority on tapered roller bearings, Timken today applies its deep knowledge of metallurgy, tribology and mechanical power transmission across a variety of bearings and related systems to improve the reliability and efficiency of machinery and equipment all around the world. The company’s growing product and services portfolio features many strong industrial brands including Timken®, Fafnir®, Philadelphia Gear®, Interlube®  and Drives®. Known for its quality products and collaborative technical sales model, Timken posted $3.1 billion in sales in 2014. With approximately 16,000 people operating from 28 countries, Timken makes the world more productive and keeps industry in motion.

Media Contact:
Carapetyan & Krämer
International Marketing Communications
An der Theisenmühle 1
63303 Dreieich / Germany
Tel.: +49 6103-60920
Fax: +49 6103-609260
[email protected]


Ray DeVries
2, rue Timken, B.P. 89
68002 Colmar Cedex / France
Tel.: +33 3892 14417
Fax: +33 3892 14598
[email protected]

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